
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Spiritual and Physical Queries of Readers, Answers by Readers Only

Ubqari Magazine - October 2016

Suffering from Fear:

Respected readers! I am old reader of Ubqari are read this magazine monthly with interest. I am 50 years of age but till now I am suffering from fear and anxiety which is deep inside my brain, I am very sensitive and little things become mountains for me, I feel so much fear and anxiety that my whole body starts shivering and I feel weakness in my joints, all of my friends call me coward, if there is some incident happened in my family than I become much afraid. Readers! Suggest me any thing to resolve this issue, Thankyou! (Ajab Khan, Kohat)

Answer: Ajab Khan! You and your house mates recite Haa Meem La Yunsaroon all day countless. The more you will recite this wazifa, the much you will get blessings of Allah Almighty. Besides this, get Sakoon Afza syrup, Thandi Murad and Johar Shifa e Madine from monthly Ubqari office and use according to the given method. It is matchless remedy, do experience it. (Shahid Ali, Lahore)

Do not offer prayer by heart:

Respected Readers! I have an issue that I do not offer prayer by heart and have no interest in prayer, I take myself hardly to mosque, sometimes leave the prayer, sometimes offer one prayer two to three times. Don’t know where my interest goes during prayer, I am much worried due to this, Kindly suggest me any solution for this. (Khalid, Peshawar)

Answer: Brother! You need to recite La hola Wala quwwata illa Billahilali ilazeem all time in every position, there is no compulsion of being in ablution for this, recite with complete faith. InshAllah, you will get interest in prayer and there will be no bad thoughts. Besides this, recite one tasbeeh of Astaghfirullah in morning and evening.(Sitara, Gujrat Kotla)

Want to get a good spouse:

Respected readers Assalamoalikum! My issue is that I am not getting married and I am much worries, tell me any wird, wazifa or zikr that I should have a good wife, marriage is sunnah and I want to fulfill this sunnah as soon as possible. Thankyou! (Masood ur Rehman, Haripur Hazara)

Answer: Masood Brother! A wazifa was published in Ubqari Ya Ahado Ya Hafeezo Ya wadoodo for those who are not getting married. Recite in thousands of number  after last 2 sunnahs of Friday prayer on prayer mat. Recite Durood sharif before and after than offer two nafals and than stand up. This wazifa is to be done only on Fridays. Pray for ten minutes, it is a small wazifa. InshAllah, you will get married with guarantee. (Shaista Hafeez, Lahore)

Tonsils and Allergy:

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab Assalamoalikum! I am getting benefits from Ubqari for last 10 months and pray for you people day and night and for those who introduced me to Ubqari. I am much fond of Ubqari that after reading it again and again, I am not tired. Allah Almighty give you mighty rewards for this. Ubqari encouraged me that today I am presenting my issue here and keep this issue in front of readers of Ubqari and whosoever has its treatment, he should help me, Allah Almighty will give him rewards. My elder daughter who is 15 years of age, is suffering from severe trouble since last 3 years, I showed her to different doctors but all wastage of money and only temporary relief. My daughter get high fever again and again with sore throat, nausea and cannot breathe easily, she sleeps all night with open mouth, her hair has been fallen and her eye sight has become very weak, doctors say that she is suffering from severe allergy and she will have to go for a surgery. I am a poor woman, I beg the readers that they give me beneficial remedies and prescription for tonsils and allergy. The way you write for Ubqari, likewise write for me too, Thankyou! (A worried mother)

Answer: O worried mother, you use this simple and easy remedy and InshAllah all of your worries will go away. You take only dried mint from market and grind it. Take one fourth spoon of it and boil in 2 cups of water when the water remains one cup than use it. Do this thrice in a day. InshAllah your daughter will be fine. (Muhammed Sheheryar Khan, Quetta)

Strange Disease:

Readers! My disease starte almost 3 and  a quarter years ago, this disease first affected my right arm than left arm, than legs and slowly tongue. During this disease, I went to doctors, homeopethics, Hakeems and different scholars across Pakistan but instead of improvement, the disease is growing and now I am unable to sit, stand, taking shower and even going toilet. I am mother of five daughters and two years back I took medicine and Wazifa from Hazrat Hakeem Sahab’s Dawakhana, I got some improvement but unfortunately I stopped going to Tasbeeh Khana. My house mates are much worried due to my this disease, for God sake readers suggest me any thing. (Asia Parveen)

Answer: Sister! Take Majoon Shifayabi and Karamti oil from monthly Ubqari office and use Majoon Shifayabi according to the given prescription and massage your body with Karamati oil for hours. It is tested remedy of my auntie. Her legs stopped working and we gave her these 2 things to use. Now Alhamdulilah she is 70 percent improved. We are using this prescription for 8 months. (Maimoona Syed, Havelian)


I am much worried!

Readers! I am much worried, I have three daughters, elder one is of 7 years and she cannot hear and speak, the second one is fine Alhamdulilah and now thirds daughter is 9 months old and I feel she is also deaf and dumb. I am much worried Hakeem sahib, Quran Pak has treatment for every thing, kindly suggest me any spiritual remedy and pray for my daughters. (a sad father)

Answer: Respected brother! I am very sad after reading your issue, my daughter was also unable to hear in childhood and we recited Last 4 verses of Surah muminoon and azan seven times thrice in a day and blowed in her ears. Now Alhamdulilah she is completely fine. You also practice this amal, it is very effective and strong. InshAllah I am hundred percent sure that this amal will not leave you disappointed. (Ali Ikram, Multan)

Readers Queries and Readers Answers” series has been liked so much and we get lots of letters. It is decided through advice that the previous record will reached to the readers and till the series is continuing, the previous arrangement will be pending till then.


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